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Auto Insurance
If you drive a car, you have to have auto insurance. It's that simple.
Why? Because, most states require at least liability coverage. But, beyond
state legal requirements, when you look at the facts and figures of automobile
accidents, you'll realize that auto insurance is one of your most valuable
and important expenditures.
Are you paying too much for auto insurance? The answer is probably Yes. You could be paying less for the same coverage. The key to paying less and maintaining quality coverage is to obtain as many quotes as possible. We at Pacific Shield can write policies for many different insurance companies, so we can put you with the company that has the best rate for your particular situation.
Let an agent at Pacific Shield go to work for you. Based on your vehicles, your driving history and location, we will find the company that best suits your needs. Instead of getting the best auto insurance rate from one company, you'll get the best insurance rates from dozens of companies.
For a Free Auto Insurance Quote please click here.